PLN – Polish Zloty

The Polish Zloty is the currency of Poland. The new Zloty is partitioned into a hundred groszy. The currency summary or currency sign for the (PLN) Polish Zloty, the currency of Poland. The Polish zloty is made up of 100 groszy and is often symbolized by a symbol that seems like the lowercase Latin letters “ZL” with two horizontal ticks regarding halfway up the “l”.

Overview Polish Zloty
The Polish Zloty was first organized in the Middle Ages. In the 14th and 15th centenaries, the sign Zloty was used for all types of gold-based cash used in Poland, modified notably Hungarian, Venetian, and Ducats. Of 1496, the Sejm authorized the issuance of an official currency, the zloty, and estimated at 30 groszy.

Polish Zloty state currency is the Polish Zloty (zł) which comes in notes denominations of zł10to zł200 notes.

Polish Zloty state currency is the Polish Zloty (zł) which comes in Coins denominations of 1 to 50 gr, 1 to 5 zł.

Importance Facts for Currency Banknote:

  • ILS Stats name: Polish Zloty
  • Polish Zloty Symbol: Sigh (zł)
  • Authority: National Bank of Poland
  • Countries: Poland

Know About Economy of Polish Zloty
The economic nation of Poland has promoted profits economic system. Poland is the sixth greatest economy within the EU and between the fastest rising financial state in Europe.

Currency Facts

PLN Stats

Name: Polish Zloty

Symbol:Grosze/Groszey: gr

Minor Unit:
1/100 = Grosze/Groszey

Top PLN Conversion:

Top PLN Chart:

PLN Profile

Inflation: -0.80%

Freq Used: zł1, zł2, zł5, 1gr, 2gr, 5gr, 10gr, 20gr, 50gr

Freq Used: zł10, zł20, zł50, zł100, zł200

Central Bank:
National Bank of Poland

Users: Poland
